Taking The Plunge

A huge step in the history of any business is when they take the step out of a home office into a storefront or proper office. Many small businesses can operate just fine out of a corner of your home, but having a physical location will usually be the next step. It is not something to be taken lightly, however. Some businesses took the plunge only to realize that it wasn’t feasible and had to move back into a home office or, even worse, went bankrupt.

So, how can you make sure that you have a successful transition from your home office to your new location?

The first thing to do is plan ahead. There are many expenses involved, both in the move and the day to day running of a business in a new location. If you are planning to rent a location, you should make sure that you have the freedom that you need to get your business set up just right.

Some simple things that you might not even consider are where the windows are located, how parking is going to be for potential customers. Can you modify the layout of the floorplan? Finding the answers to these and any other questions that have an impact on how your day to day business will work beforehand will keep you from running into a roadblock further down the road.

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