
When Lightning Strikes…

When there is a lightning storm heading your way, do you ever worry about the welfare of your business? While it is rare that lightning strikes cause major damage to a building, it does happen, but sometimes secondary damage caused by a lightning strike could be very harmful as well….

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Finding Hot Joints

One common problem in electrical systems, especially in a commercial or industrial setting is a hot joint. This happens when there is an electrical connection that is loose or deteriorating, causing it to generate more heat than normal. This could happen either in your electrical system or in an appliance…

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Looking Out For Your Roof

As a business owner, if you own the building you operate out of, you probably don’t want to spend more money than necessary on upkeep. While it is important to have a presentable building to make the best impression on prospective clients or customers, upkeep and repairs could take a…

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Keeping the Peace

When you are at home, you probably are hoping to have some peace and quiet. Unfortunately, this is not an option for everyone. There are many neighborhoods that have noise levels that are going to disturb your peace, even at night. There is also the problem of noise that is…

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A Place of Safety

As a business owner, you have a responsibility for the safety of your customers, clients, and employees. Of course, you will do what you can to make sure that your place of business is a safe place to be, but there are times when extreme weather conditions can make this…

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A Life-Saving Receptacle

If you have electrical receptacles in any wet areas of your business, are they GFCI receptacles? GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) receptacles are made to cut the power as soon as an unbalanced current is detected, and this could save lives. This is the reason why they are vital near…

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Getting the Best Air

The air you breathe can have a huge effect on your health, your mood, and your mental capacity. So, as a business owner, wouldn’t it make sense that you would want to have the best quality air in your building, both for the sake of your customers as well as…

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Getting the Light Just Right

How is the lighting in your business? You might be surprised that lighting has a huge impact on how customers feel about your merchandise, how your employees feel, and how efficient they are. There are many things to consider when it comes to installing lighting in your place of business,…

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Leaky Windows

Do you know where most of the energy loss in a building happens? Using thermal imaging will help in finding spots, but there is definitely a weak spot whenever you have windows. Even with double-pane windows, you’re going to lose some energy, but if there are cracks and holes in…

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A Better Layout

Having a store also means having a lot of shelving units. While some modern stores are trying to do things differently, there are really no good alternatives to this tried and true method for presenting merchandise. This doesn’t mean that you are tied up to a certain type of layout,…

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